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2016 SPONSORS PDF Print E-mail
  • Platinum Flooring Solutions
  • Dai Sempai Andrew Macdonald
  • BL Management Pty Ltd
  • Carval Investors
  • Property Central - Terrigal
  • Six Strings Brewery
  • ASN - Australian Sports Nutrition
  • Steedman Constructions
  • Bristol Paints - Erina
  • T-53 Mens Hair - Erina
  • Antonio Meduri


Thank you for your support

Every Day is Your Black Belt Exam PDF Print E-mail

One message that I communicate to students every class is to remember that success is the not result of one action. It's the accumulation of thousands of actions and decisions, each of which take you closer or further from your goals.

What Would A Black Belt Do? PDF Print E-mail

Of the life skills taught in the our school, I think the most important is the black belt attitude. Using black belt as a metaphor for high standards of personal excellence, students seek to act like a black belt would. This attitude of excellence extends beyond the martial arts class. Students work not just to become black belt martial artists, but academic black belts, black belt employees and corporate black belts.

You create a standard that asks throughout each day, How would a black belt do this? How would a black belt sit and listen to the teacher? How would a black belt clean his room? How would a black belt work on this job?

How to Become a Peak Performer PDF Print E-mail

Peak performers in every field are made, not born. They are a product of nurture, not nature. Men and women who accomplish great things in their lives are not necessarily better or more gifted than others. They are usually just people who have pushed their potential farther than ordinary.

That is the essence of our school and our belt system. We don't expect you to know the first thing about martial arts or how to earn a black belt. We will teach you and nurture you. Your job is to try and try as hard as you can to reach your potential. We will give you 100% and it's only fair you do the same in your training.

Five reasons why you should train to become a Black Belt PDF Print E-mail

1. Increase Fitness Levels

With the principles of Constant and Neverending Improvement (C.A.N.I.) you will enjoy small daily improvements that are believable and achieveable.

2. Obtain Motivation

You will learn to continually raise your students and take control of your life through increased confidence, switching your should's into musts.

You will learn how to change your state and find your passion in a heart beat.

3. Health

Heal from within, change complexity to simplicity.

Increase your energy, expand your health and break through to vitality with simple age old secrets.Dissolve your frustrations and create a balance by learning about the foods we eat and their effects on our bodies.

4. A Directed Mind

Your results are a direct reflection of your thought patterns.

Learn to make decisions and rehearse in your mind the successes you dream about and you will make your dreams come true.

What is Black Belt Excellence? PDF Print E-mail

True success in life only begins when you make the commitment to become excellent at what you do. Without that commitment you'll always perform at low levels and never achieve your full potential.